Celebrate the Weird: A Whimsical Tour of Unusual Holidays

February 29, 2024


Forget Presidents’ Day and Thanksgiving; step aside, Independence Day and Labor Day! In honor of all the people out there who only celebrate their birthday every fourth year, here is a roundup of some of my favorite unusual holidays.


  1. National Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th): Ahoy, mateys! This swashbuckling extravaganza encourages everyone to unleash their inner buccaneer, peppering their speech with “arrrghs” and “yo-hos.” It’s a day to hoist a tankard of grog, sing sea shanties, and generally live the pirate life, if only for a day. Just remember, pillaging is still illegal, even on Talk Like a Pirate Day.
  2. National Pi Day (March 14th)/St. Louis Day: Get your nerd on, because Pi Day is here! This mathematical marvel, the infinite ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, is celebrated with pie-baking contests, pi-themed puns (“I’m feeling a little pi-qued today”), and enough delicious pie to fill a mathematician’s heart with joy. And don’t forget, its also 314 day to all of us that live in and around St. Louis
  3. National Taco Day (October 4): Do I even need to write anything about how awesome tacos are? I mean, have you ever been sad while eating a taco? You have not, because tacos are awesome
  4. Black Cat Day (August 17): having been owned by 4 voids, they think every day should be a day to celebrate them. The featured picture is Oso, being snuggled by Caveat
  5. National Squirrel Appreciation Day (January 22nd): These bushy-tailed bandits may be notorious for stealing nuts and chewing on wires, but they also play a vital role in our ecosystem. So, on National Squirrel Appreciation Day, give those furry little acrobats a second look. They might just surprise you with their intelligence and agility — they certainly do my cats.
  6. National Pizza Day (February 9): Pineapple on pizza? Count me in! They’re best if you add hot peppers, like jalapenos. Like tacos, there is no wrong way to eat a pizza, but there seems to be a lot of opinions on the right way. If you live in St. Louis, either you love super thin crust with provel or you hate it. And each region of the country, of course, claims to have the best. My favorites are pineapple, jalapeno & chicken on a St. Louis style crust or deep dish with chicken, black olives and artichokes.
  7. Hug Your Cat Day (June 4): Most cats hate hugs except Toes the Stupid. She loves hugs but only if you let her lick your face. So, go hug your cat. I would not recommend you hug someone else’s cat unless you like bandaids.
  8. St. Louis Cardinals Home Opener (date varies): Is there any opening day celebration better?


So, there you have it! A glimpse into the wacky and wonderful world of weird holidays I like. These days are a reminder that sometimes, the best way to celebrate is to embrace the absurd, the unexpected, and the downright weird. So, grab your pirate hat, bake a pie, and, eat a taco and hug your black cat. And wish your leap-year friends a happy birthday.