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Thoughts, insights and information about the divorce process. Nothing here should be considered to be legal advice. If you need legal advice, you need to hire a lawyer.

Helping Clients Find A Healthier Path Through Divorce

July 22, 2024

5 Tips for Traveling as a Solo Parent after Divorce

July 16, 2024

Choosing the Right Divorce Attorney: A Guide for Finding the Best Fit

July 12, 2024

Does Moving Out Hurt Your Edwardsville, Illinois Divorce?

July 3, 2024

Uncontested Divorce in Belleville, Illinois With Children

June 28, 2024

Negotiating Your Divorce With a Difficult Spouse

June 25, 2024

Some tips & tricks to negotiate an uncontested divorce with an uncooperative or difficult spouse

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10 Wallet-Friendly Kid Summer Activities

June 20, 2024

Some wallet-friendly ideas to spend quality time with your kids this summer

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Getting Divorced While at SAFB with an Out-of-State Spouse

June 17, 2024

You can probably get divorced here if you are stationed at Scott AFB and your spouse lives out of the state

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June Divorce in Edwardsville

June 13, 2024

June is a perfect time to start your divorce in Edwardsville because it gives children a chance to adjust before school and the weather sets the stage for fresh, new beginnings.

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How the Rules of Holes Apply to a Divorce

June 4, 2024

How do the Rules of Holes apply to a bad or unhappy marriage?

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