Divorce can be messy, especially when it comes to dividing your belongings. You might think splitting everything down the middle is the “fairest” solution or that you deserve more than your soon-to-be-ex, but Illinois law takes a different approach. The courts apply the concept of equity when dividing property in an Illinois divorce. So, […]
Considering a DIY divorce in Illinois? While the idea of saving money can be tempting, navigating the legal system without an experienced attorney can lead to costly missteps and a more stressful experience. Let’s explore some critical factors to consider before deciding if a DIY divorce is the right path for you. It is my […]
Divorce is a complex and emotional journey. Often, misconceptions and anxieties can cloud the process, making it even more stressful. As a solo attorney with over 20 years of experience in Illinois divorce law, I’ve seen these 7 myths about divorce lead to unnecessary conflict and have people worried to start down the path of […]
You’ve got a problem. Maybe it’s a dispute with a landlord, a weird thing with your car insurance, or an argument with a neighbor. It seems like it should have a simple answer, right? The internet is full of legal information, and you figure, “Why can’t I just ask a lawyer a quick legal question […]
Going through a divorce can be one of the most emotionally turbulent experiences in life. Amidst the pain and anger, its common for people to want punishment for bad spouses– especially if things like infidelity or emotional abuse fueled the marital breakdown. However, Illinois courts take a different approach when it comes to divorce and […]
The period between your marriage breaking down and divorce finalization is often fraught with complex emotions and a desire to move forward. For many, this includes exploring new relationships. However, dating during your divorce in Illinois carries legal and emotional complexities that require careful consideration. Illinois: A No-Fault Divorce State In Illinois, “no-fault” […]
Divorce is a complex and emotionally charged process. One of the most common concerns for separating couples is the impact of moving out of the marital home on property division. Many fear that moving out will hurt their Edwardsville, Illinois divorce. They fear it will negatively affect their rights regarding the house and other […]
While the decision to divorce is emotionally difficult, choosing an uncontested path can make the process less adversarial. However, even the most amicable uncontested divorce requires careful preparation and organization. Step two is all about getting your ducks in a row – getting organized for your uncontested divorce. This includes reviewing essential paperwork, documenting assets, […]
Divorce is rarely a smooth journey. It’s a tumultuous mix of raw emotions, heated disagreements, and navigating a complex legal system. In the midst of this turmoil, you might wish your attorney could magically make your spouse disappear. You hope your attorney can just run to the Courthouse to get orders without your spouse knowing. […]
Uncontested divorces in Illinois offer a faster, less expensive path to dissolving your marriage. But even with a seemingly amicable split, one question often arises: “Can we share the same lawyer?” While it might seem like a cost-saving shortcut, sharing a lawyer in a divorce is a bad idea – and often ethically prohibited. Let’s […]