Decision Making and Communicating

Don’t JADE!: Surviving the Holidays


The holiday season is often portrayed as a joyous time filled with family gatherings, festive decorations, and an abundance of cheer. But for those recently divorced, it can be a time of mixed emotions, heightened stress, and unwelcome questions. If you’re navigating your first holiday season post-divorce , remember that you’re not alone. Many have […]

The Grey Rock Strategy in Divorce


The Grey Rock Strategy: Your Secret Divorce Weapon   Divorce is rarely easy, and emotions can run high. When your spouse or co-parent thrives on conflict, it can make an already challenging situation even worse. If you find yourself facing constant drama, arguments, or emotional outbursts, the “grey rock” strategy might be your secret weapon. […]

Parenting Without Telepressure: Why Asynchronous Communication is a Game-Changer


Have you ever felt that constant pull that every text, email, or message requires an immediate response? This phenomenon is called “telepressure,” and it’s a growing problem in the digital age – impacting our parenting styles and our relationships with our co-parents or former partners. Asynchronous communication offers a welcome escape allowing parenting without telepressure. […]

Negotiation Tips for a Peaceful Divorce


Divorce doesn’t have to be a screaming match. In fact, more and more divorcing couples can find a way to compromise to have a peaceful divorce. However, many people have no idea where to begin. Here are some tips to help you negotiate for a peaceful divorce.   1. Start with Compromise and Collaboration for […]

Redefining Winning Your Divorce


Divorce proceedings often create an atmosphere focused on “winning.” Winning a larger share of property, winning more time with the kids, or winning a sense of revenge over an ex-partner… This adversarial mindset can turn divorce into a battleground, inflicting lasting damage on everyone involved. But what if we could change the narrative? What if […]

A Financially Savvy Divorce in O’Fallon, IL


Divorce is not only emotionally draining, but it can also be a significant financial burden. Legal fees, court costs, and the division of assets can quickly add up. The good news? There are smart steps you can take to minimize the financial strain of your divorce in O’Fallon, Illinois. Here’s your roadmap to a more […]

Co-Parenting Communication After Divorce


Divorce reshuffles your family, but your parenting responsibilities don’t disappear. Effective communication with your ex-spouse is crucial for raising your children in a healthy, stable environment. It won’t always be easy. To help, I have developed a list of strategies, but these strategies to help with co-parenting communication after divorce: 1. Shift Your Mindset   […]

Negotiating Your Divorce With a Difficult Spouse


When you’re considering a divorce, a uncontested divorce can seem like an ideal way to manage the legal costs and make the process less stressful. Unfortunately, it takes two to tango, and your spouse may not be on board with this approach. This raises many questions: Can you still proceed? How can you protect yourself […]

How the Rules of Holes Apply to a Divorce


A long time ago, I was bored and flipping through the channels when I happened upon the movie adaption of Louis Sachar’s book, Holes. I had never read the book, only the excerpt when I worked in a bookstore in college. Regardless, the movie inspired me to create my rules of holes and apply them […]

The Sunk-Cost Fallacy of Staying Unhappily Married


The Sunk-Cost Fallacy of Staying Unhappily Married The sunk-cost fallacy of staying unhappily married is a common trap: You’ve invested years, maybe even decades, into your marriage. You’ve built a life together, raised children, shared countless memories. But you are deeply unhappy. If the thought of starting over feels daunting, you are allowing the sunk-cost […]