Mental Health

Survival Guide For Post-Divorce Holidays


The holidays are supposed to be a time of joy and togetherness, but they can become a source of stress and uncertainty. After 20 years of practicing law, I have developed a survival guide for the post-divorce holidays. This guide can help, especially during the first year after separation, when figuring out how to handle […]

Shattering Divorce Stigma


Divorce can be a difficult and emotional experience, and societal misconceptions can add unnecessary stress to an already challenging time. One common myth is that divorce carries a heavy social stigma, particularly for women with children. Another misconception is that women with children should retain their married name to avoid confusion or judgment. Let’s debunk […]

Surviving the Holidays After Divorce


The holiday season can be a joyous time, filled with family traditions and festive gatherings. But after a divorce, the holidays can also be a source of sadness, loneliness, and stress. Whether you have children or not, this time of year can be challenging to navigate. Here are some strategies to help with surviving the […]

Pouring from an Empty Cup


Divorce can be a marathon. It can feel like an endless series of emotional, logistical, and financial hurdles, leaving you drained and depleted. If you’re a parent, the added responsibility of caring for your children during this tumultuous time can be overwhelming. But what happens when you’re running on empty? When your emotional reserves are […]

High-Conflict Co-Parenting: Managing Emotions and Protecting Your Children


Let’s be honest – when you don’t get along with your ex-spouse, high-conflict co-parenting after divorce can feel like navigating a minefield. At Flat Fee Divorce Solutions, I know that it’s difficult to always put your children’s needs first when you’re dealing with hurt feelings, resentment, and strained communication. But here are some ideas to […]

Helping Clients Find A Healthier Path Through Divorce


Divorce is never easy, but it doesn’t have to be the devastating, drawn-out battle that it often becomes. As someone who handles many amicable divorces, I have witnessed firsthand how a different approach works and  my clients find a healthier path through divorce.   The High Cost of Conflict   Traditional divorce thrives on conflict. […]

Accepting the End of Your Marriage


Divorce is never easy, even when both parties agree it’s the best path. The decision to end a marriage carries a heavy sense of loss, disappointment, and sometimes even a hint of failure. Before you dive into the legal logistics of an uncontested divorce in St. Clair County, it’s essential to take time for the […]

I need a vacation (and you do too!)


Forget my inbox! I’m outta here until April 9th. And you know why? I need a break. Taking regular breaks lets me stay passionate about helping people get divorced quickly and amicably.   Let me tell you how I’m spending my time off:   April 4th: St. Louis Cardinals home opener! It’s all about the […]

What Comes After Your Divorce, Part Three (the fun stuff)


Divorce can be one of the most emotionally turbulent experiences in life. The end of a marriage signifies the loss of shared dreams, a disrupted routine, and a fundamental shift in your identity. Yet, within this upheaval lies a unique opportunity – a chance to rediscover yourself, to embrace newfound freedom, and to create a […]