Searching For a Lawyer Online

The pros and cons of searching for a lawyer online
Trying to find the right lawyer for you online can be a bit like finding a black cat in a dark room. The best way to find a black cat in a dark room is to turn on a light and open a bag of treats. Here is a quick guide to discuss the pros and cons of searching for a lawyer online.
Con: You don’t know if they’re any good.
When you book an appointment with a doctor, you at least know that they have the proper qualifications and experience needed to treat you. With lawyers, it can be harder to tell. Just because someone graduated from law school does not mean they will be able to competently represent you. Before hiring anyone, read their reviews and schedule a phone call with them.
Pro: You have a lot more options.
In contrast to going through word-of-mouth recommendations, searching for a lawyer online gives you hundreds of lawyers near you to choose from instead of just a handful. This increases your chances of finding somebody that is perfect for your case as well as your budget.
Con: Speaking of budget…
When it comes to finding affordable legal services, searching online can be hit or miss. Too often people assume that since they found somebody online, that person must be cheaper than those either do not advertise or advertise on TV. However, this is not always the case. The best way to compare prices is still by shopping around and getting quotes from multiple lawyers before making a decision. And of course, hourly rates do not tell you about how much you might actually spend. Which is why my prices and fees make me a rarity – very few attorneys handle work on a flat fee basis.
Pro: You can find out a lot in one go.
In today’s digital age, most people are used to getting the information they need right away instead of having to wait for days or even weeks. The same goes for finding a lawyer—but you are not really going to find exactly what you need without calling their office. You will narrow down, however, if they probably practice a type of law that you are looking for. You might also learn where they went to school (Washington University), how long they have been in practice (nearly 19 years), where their office is (O’Fallon, IL and Edwardsville), and what their office hours are (9-5 M-Th, 9-2 F, unless the Cardinals are playing a post season game, then I am closed).
Con: But you won’t find everything you need in a good search
What you will not find is how much the fees are (probably) or probably the answer to your one question. There are reasons an attorney cannot answer a quick question – and one of the basic ones is we sell our time. You don’t expect the grocery store will give you free food. But if you want to know some more of the nuances, read here. You probably will not learn what the retainer will be or if they can actually help you. For that, you will have to actually call their office.
Pro: You will probably find a lot of information and have a good basis to find the right attorney for you
The practice of law is full of nuance. It seems that a lawyer’s favorite answer to most questions is “maybe, but it depends”. As you search around, you will probably run into some conflicting information (if not a lot) but you might get a better basis for what resolutions you could get for your specific problem. You can also determine a lot about an attorney’s personality from thier website. Some attorneys focus on fighting for justice, some on touting their own accomplishments, others focus on the wide range of things they work on, and yet others focus on informing people. You know yourself and what type of attorney you want. Some lawyers even display their personality on their website.
So there you have it—a few pros and cons of searching for a lawyer online to help make your decision a little easier. No matter what route you decide to take, just remember to do your research first so that you end up with somebody that is both qualified and affordable. If you think I could be that attorney to help you with your uncontested divorce, reach out to my office.
Notice: The information presented in this blog post is not intended to be a substitute for professional legal counsel. It is strongly recommended that readers seek personalized advice from a licensed attorney to address their specific legal needs.