How Expensive is a Divorce? And How long Does it Take?

September 26, 2023

Divorce is often associated with emotional turmoil and financial strain. One of the most common concerns for individuals contemplating or going through a divorce is the cost of legal representation. In Illinois, divorce attorney fees can vary significantly based on several factors, including location, experience, complexity of the case, and whether the divorce is contested or uncontested.

Breaking Down Average Hourly Rates for Divorce Lawyers in Illinois


While hourly rates can fluctuate, here’s a general overview of average rates you might encounter in different regions of Illinois:

  • Chicago: $350+ per hour
  • Metro East: $300+ per hour
  • Springfield: $280+ per hour
  • Peoria: $250 per hour
  • Rockford: $225 per hour
  • Decatur: $200 per hour

Keep in mind that these are just averages. The cost of a divorce varies greatly depending on the specific circumstances of the case. Complex divorces involving contested issues like property division, spousal support (also known as maintenance or alimony), or parenting time allocation (custody & visitation) can easily escalate costs into the tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, simpler uncontested divorces, where both parties agree on all terms, can be significantly more affordable.

Strategies to Save Money on Your Illinois Divorce


  1. Research and Compare: Don’t hesitate to shop around for a divorce attorney. Talk to a few lawyers, compare their fees and experience, and choose the one who best suits your needs and budget. Remember, a lower hourly rate doesn’t always equate to a cheaper overall cost. An experienced attorney can often work more efficiently, potentially saving you money in the long run.

  2. Consider Mediation First: Mediation is a collaborative process where a neutral third party helps you and your spouse reach agreements on divorce-related issues. It’s often a more cost-effective and less adversarial alternative to litigation. Even if you can’t resolve all issues through mediation, it can help narrow down the areas of disagreement, reducing the scope and expense of legal proceedings.

  3. Be Prepared to Compromise: Divorce often involves compromise. If you’re willing to negotiate and find common ground with your spouse on issues like property division and spousal support, you can avoid costly court battles and potentially reach a faster resolution.

  4. Negotiate Your Own Settlement: If your divorce is relatively amicable and straightforward, you might be able to negotiate your own settlement agreement with your spouse. Once you’ve reached an agreement, an attorney can help you draft the necessary legal documents to finalize your divorce.

  5. Utilize Online Resources: Many online resources can help you understand the divorce process, find legal forms, and research potential attorneys. However, be cautious of “fill-in-the-blank” forms, as they may not be tailored to Illinois law and could lead to costly mistakes.

  6. Get Organized (for Contested Cases): If your divorce is contested, gather all relevant financial documents (bank statements, tax returns, pay stubs, etc.) in advance. This will save your attorney time and ultimately reduce your legal fees.

Understanding the Timeline for Divorce in Illinois

The average timeframe for a divorce in Illinois ranges from six to 18 months. However, this can vary significantly depending on the complexity of your case and the court’s schedule. Uncontested divorces, where agreements are reached quickly, can be finalized in as little as 30 days. Contested divorces, involving litigation and court hearings, can take much longer.

Factors Affecting the Timeline of Your Divorce

  • Complexity: Complex cases with contested issues naturally take longer to resolve than straightforward, uncontested divorces.
  • Court Availability: Court schedules can vary, and delays are possible depending on the court’s backlog and the availability of judges.
  • Cooperation: If both parties are willing to cooperate and negotiate in good faith, the process can move more quickly.

Ready to Take the Next Step?

Divorce is challenging, but it doesn’t have to break the bank. By understanding the factors that influence attorney fees, exploring cost-saving measures, and seeking legal guidance early on, you can navigate your divorce efficiently and protect your financial future.

If you’re considering an uncontested divorce in the Metro East and looking for affordable, compassionate legal representation, I’m here to help. Contact my office through my website or give me a call to discuss your options and get started on your path towards a brighter future.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It is essential to consult with an attorney to discuss your specific situation and legal options.