Low-Conflict Family Law
Learn why Flat Fee Divorce Solutions focuses on uncontested divorces in Illinois. Discover the benefits of an empathetic and efficient approach that prioritizes your needs and goals.
Affordable Divorce in O’Fallon, IL
Facing divorce in O’Fallon, IL? Explore cost-effective alternatives to traditional attorney fees, including mediation, uncontested divorce, collaborative divorce, and negotiation. An affordable divorce can be possible.
Celebrate the Weird: A Whimsical Tour of Unusual Holidays
Unusual holidays are another reason to celebrate! Read on to see a short list of Amanda’s favorite odd-ball holidays
Parallel Parenting: A Lifeline in the Storm of High-Conflict Divorce
Parallel Parenting can be a lifeline to de-escalate conflict and allow each parent to parent without the other when they have the kids. Read more to learn when it might be a good solution.
Why Lawyers Love the Phrase “It Depends”
Lawyers often use the phrase “it depends”. Its a phrase that rolls off our tongues for a multitude of reasons. Read more to learn why its what lawyers have to do in a lot of circumstances.
Why Your Attorney Can’t Magically Make Your Spouse Disappear: Due Process and the Realities of Divorce
Learn about the crucial role of due process in Illinois divorces. Understand why your attorney can’t bypass your spouse’s legal rights, even if emotions run high.