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Thoughts, insights and information about the divorce process. Nothing here should be considered to be legal advice. If you need legal advice, you need to hire a lawyer.

How to tell your child or children you are getting divorced

January 11, 2022

Ideas on how to tell your children before you start the process

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If I get therapy is the Court going to hold it against me?

January 3, 2022

If you need mental health help, do no let your divorce prevent you from seeking it

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Celebrating Christmas and other Holidays when you share time with your kids

December 8, 2021

Holidays do not have to be a battlefield

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Is it all marital property?

October 20, 2021

If you are married, the answer is, likely yes

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Is there a difference between a simple divorce and no contested or uncontested one?

August 11, 2021

Short answer: No. There is no difference between a simple divorce and an uncontested one. In Illinois, the law has changed dramatically concerning divorces since I became a lawyer. When I first starting practicing, there were several grounds (reasons) f…

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HIPAA and non-medical businesses

May 28, 2021

Business can check vaccine status without violating HIPAA

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What is an amicable divorce?

May 18, 2021

Being open to discussions can save you tons of money

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Divorce attorneys are too jaded to be judgy

April 4, 2021

Telling your attorney the truth is not going to get you judged

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Law Cats and Cats practicing law

February 10, 2021

The twitterverse was afire yesterday of the attorney who appeared in a Texas Court as a cat. He had to assure the Court he was not a cat. The hearing was on Zoom and highlighted how an older attorney was very uncomfortable being on a computer and could …

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Divorcing in 2021 might affect your taxes next year

February 8, 2021

What your standard deduction is depends on your marital status on December 31.

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