I want to hire the best attorney
Most attorney rankings are marking gimmicks, so I gave my self a trophy
Thoughts, insights and information about the divorce process. Nothing here should be considered to be legal advice. If you need legal advice, you need to hire a lawyer.
Most attorney rankings are marking gimmicks, so I gave my self a trophy
Some ideas on where to start your discussions with your soon-to-be-ex
Ideas on how to tell your children before you start the process
If you need mental health help, do no let your divorce prevent you from seeking it
Holidays do not have to be a battlefield
If you are married, the answer is, likely yes
Short answer: No. There is no difference between a simple divorce and an uncontested one. In Illinois, the law has changed dramatically concerning divorces since I became a lawyer. When I first starting practicing, there were several grounds (reasons) f…
Business can check vaccine status without violating HIPAA
Being open to discussions can save you tons of money
Telling your attorney the truth is not going to get you judged