How Much Does a Divorce Cost? (Hint: It’s More Than You Think)
No one gets married intending to divorce. But, as the old saying goes, “Sh!t happens.” And when it does, it can get pretty pricey—especially if you’re not prepared for it. Here’s a short primer on how much a divorce can cost, both emotionally and financially.
Searching For a Lawyer Online
In this day and age, anything and everything is just a click away. That includes finding a lawyer that can help you with your divorce or any other legal conflict you may be having. While it might be tempting to just go on the first search engine and pick the first lawyer that comes up (which was probably me), this might not be the best idea. Here are some pros and cons of searching for a good lawyer online to help you make a more informed decision
Can you just send my paperwork to the judge so they can divorce me if my soon-to-be-ex will not sign?
The short answer is no. The system of law we have here is one where both sides get a chance to have their case presented to the judge. Not everyone takes this opportunity, and some waive it, but it is the right of due process.
Can I Get an Annulment in Illinois?
Annulments are possible for people not validly married in the first place
You Should Hire a Lawyer, Even for a Simple Divorce
Even if your divorce is simple, you should have a divorce lawyer help you.
Legal Separation or Divorce?
For some people, a judgment of separation makes more sense than a divorce. However, there are differences between the two and they can affect you. For the purposes of this, a marriage and a civil union are treated as the same thing.
Lawyers Don’t Give Free Advice
We just don’t want to give you wrong advice that hurts you.
Retirement Division in Divorce
Maybe…If you or your soon-to-be-ex added money ot a retirment account during marriage, then it could be divided. If you can reach agreements outside of court amicably, then you control if your retirement is divided.
How Illinois Child Support is Determined
Child support is determined by law. The calcualtions take into account the time you spend with your child.
I want to hire the best attorney
Most attorney rankings are marking gimmicks, so I gave my self a trophy